Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eleanor proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is way past her bedtime:

My final Eurovision dedication goes out to dear Alice in England. "Save all your kisses for me" is considered an absolute CLASSIC in my family, and my father often sings it to me on special occasions. You will immediately note the crazy-cool dance moves as well!


That One said...

Those dance moves CRACK ME UP!

Anonymous said...

Those are some sweet Eurovision moves, yes...but nothing compared to what others have described as my "mildly inappropriate, slow-motion pelvic thrusting," coupled with my "improper, suggestive rump shaking," and "tasteless, lewd gesticulations--including slapping of said rump."

I'm not bragging. I'm just relaying the words of my fans.

alice c said...

I want to thank my mother and my husband and my first teacher and my driving instructor and the lady at the farm shop and the thin man in the library. Without you all I would not have achieved this pinnacle of my ambition - a dedication from Eleanor and associated dance moves from the Lush Lady. Thank you, thank you.

blackbird said...

These are KILLING know who sometimes posts about Eurovision? Manolo the shoe blogger.

julie said...

Eleanor--I posted an earlier comment about my little dark-haired son...
Who woke us all up so very early this morning, screaming at the top of his lungs. So as I'm lying there deciding what to do, SAVE ALL YOUR KISSES FOR ME is bouncing through my brain. I CANNOT get it out of my head. The happy faces, the shiny clothes, the little pinky ring waving ever so slightly, "Bye bye, baby, bye bye."

And I want to watch it over again. It's like a bad addiction.

Eleanor said...

Julie - a few of us have had EXACTLY the same symptoms and have decided to start a support group.

One of us, in fact (not naming any names Eurolush), has already memorised each and every dance move. I believe her family's "intervention" came just in time.

I blame my own addiction on my father who still, to this day, owns the vinyl record of the song. It's obviously genetic.