Monday, April 14, 2008

Ooo...a make-over!

Something exciting is happening down at the sartorialist's end of the world. He is asking for opinions concerning a certain young woman's hair, and whether it should be cut short.

Now, you know, you just know, how excited I am about this. I love a good haircut discussion.

Apart from that though, I thought it most interesting to note how eerily familiar his comments are to certain blogs I have read lately. Blogs by you know who you are, who enjoy discussing the latest fashion styles and catalogue pics.

As far as I can make out, the sartorialist is considered to be "someone important" in the fashion world, and his blog was apparently picked recently as one of the top 50 most influential. Well, I think you, you know who you are, totally outsartorialise the sartorialist. No question.

And you are also much, much wittier.


blackbird said...

The Sartorialist is a professional...he has quite a design background and is a photographer.
I don't really consider him a blogger per se as he rarely offers any commentary on the people he shoots.
Not that I need to defend him.
I always make sure I look as good as possible when I'm in his neck of the woods...

blackbird said...

I just saw the lady in question and I think she looks fine.
J Crew! I don't think so.