Monday, May 26, 2008

An Award!

As you may have noticed (top right hand corner of my blog, polished up, standing on the shelf and waiting to be admired) I have received a beautiful award from a very generous, witty and inspirational blogger - Anna from Sweden. Anna herself received such an award from the fabulous Maria, an award which they both greatly deserve.

But I'll tell you a little secret, come a little closer, yes, that's better......the real award is actually having met such people as Anna and Maria. And of course I met Anna through an introduction from Mary, and of course I met Mary via Blackbird, or maybe via Suse, or Kim....or it might have been any number of other fabulous, creative bloggers.

So thanks guys! We really are a deadly mob! Blog on!


Suse said...


blackbird said...


Maria said...

Congratulations to the award!

It's funny with this blog-thing. The world gets a little bit smaller this way, even if the bloggerworld sometimes could be a club for mutual admiration...

karin-odlar-sin-trädgård said...

Congratulations! You are a very creative blogger! The entry about the friend with the dead wife and the new wife and new kids was like a short story.
I've challenged you on my blog, a sort of fun-in-a-nerdy-way thing, still it has to do with books so I hope you'll enjoy it ;-)

Sömsmånen said...

Oh boy, wasn't that you Eleanor, who watched a Swedish film and sighed to you husband that you wished you met some Swedish bloggers?? Now you know us and you've even been awarded and challenged!!
I wonder if "Karin-odlar.." knew that you possess a library and therefore really are the best choice for this challenge?