Thursday, September 23, 2010

French scarf-tying

Watching this video is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face, and style to your wardrobe.

And her method really works too.

I also love her hair, dress and glasses.

And confidence.

And accent.


blackbird said...

She is wonderful.

And so is the scarf.

Julia said...

Great video! May have to try this out very soon now that the weather is just right for it.

The Coffee Lady said...

You can't see the dolls now though. In my world, that is a design fault.

Paola said...


eurolush said...

I'm with CL.

--------->But just this once.

alice c said...

tiny whisper...
I tried it out on my fab Liberty scarf today and was verrrry pleased with myself.

M said...

Oh, must try that. Haven't worn a scarf since the 90s but that is a totally 21st century way to wear one...

herhimnbryn said...

Je t'aime!

Anonymous said...

That is exactly how my speech sounds and how I look, you know. I am really an adorable young Frenchwoman with great fashion sense. And confidence.

Well, maybe not so much.

But I loved the video. Her scarf tying has solved all my issues with how to knot a scarf in such a way as to make it symmetrical (we accountants are big on symmetry) and make it stay where I put it (we eldest/only children are big on control). Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love her dress.

Now I need a bigger scarf.

eurolush said...

I've been tying and re-tying this scarf for almost a MONTH now.

When can I stop?